Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Paintings Inherited by the Descendants of the Priest Gasc

From Ms. Gasc: "In these paintings there is a code to find the answer at this secret . There is a hidden message and a hidden picture in each painting. You must find it to understand. Poussin's seal is a boat, in conection with Argonautes. This Poussin's seal is in connection with Poussin's secret. Look my painting which is in connection with Argonautes !!...." (She considers these two paintings to be by Nicolas Poussin).
"The author of the site is a relative of Henri Gasc a "pastor of Our Lady of Marceille near Rennes-le-Chateau" in Limoux. Mrs.Gasc is claiming that she inherited these two previously unknown Poussin paintings after the death of her mother 6 years ago.

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